Trying to understand where the life’s heading!!
Wondering where the life is heading!!

Gurgaon to Goa

3 min readJan 26, 2020


Yes GOA!! I know it sounds exciting and fun as we have associated Goa with it. But let me tell you all that glitters is not gold.

It was last year in the month of May that I decided to bid goodbye to Gurgaon and relocate to Goa. I had been living in Delhi for almost 10 years and remaining 5 in Gurgaon, it definitely was a tough decision to make. Being originally from Darjeeling it actually hardly mattered whether I stay in Delhi or Goa as in both the cases I would be away from family. However, it was tough coz I had made my own space there, the place knew me. I had made friends who were there for me whenever I was in need. It took a lot of strength to accept the job offer and leave everything behind.

I keep saying the world should be your place, not a particular city. You should be okay to pack your bags and relocate wherever you see a good opportunity, but trust me it’s good only in words.

The transition was definitely rough. To begin with, my belongings arrived almost 15 days late than promised. Then began my run to make the house that I rented in Goa to a home. I didn’t know a single person here and I had no friends. In fact its been almost 8 months now and I still don’t have any friends.

Something to understand about Goa, people are very laid back. Maybe because it’s a vacation place?? Living in a metropolitan city, we are not used to it. You can’t get your work done without calling the person at least 30 times!! I live in a society flat with strict rules. I used to live in a flat in Gurgaon too but it was never so strict. It annoys me that you are allowed to drill only from 9AM to 1PM and 3PM-6PM and that too from Mon — Sat. So my question is, I am a working women and I have to get my work done, when should I? It took me more than a month just to get my internet connection. Few times it was the company people who wouldn’t respond, rest of the time it was the society restriction. So you see where I’m coming from, it was all so frustrating!!

It took me more than 3 months just to settle down and finally now I’m at peace. So let’s talk about other aspect, Goa no doubt is a paradise for beach lovers and party goers. It definitely has beautiful beaches and sundowners and quite happening clubs in the country. You can have a rocking weekend whenever you want. My question is, how long can you do that? I wouldn’t want to go to the beach and drink everyday or party everyday. You will need a normal life.

Let’s talk about shopping, I’m a girl and I love shopping. If you are used to Select City Walk in Delhi and Ambience in Gurgaon, you wouldn’t want to hit the mall in Goa. There’s practically nothing for you here. I miss Zara, H&M, Mango, Sapphire and so many more. So then, what do you do? Online shopping, good that most of these brands are online now but it’s not the same kind of satisfaction you get as visiting a store.

What do I do on weekends? I have Netflix for my rescue, thank Gosh to it. In fact even on weekday, the moment I get back home TV is on. Not that I’m addicted to TV but I just want to kill the silence. Hence I say, place is about people. If you don’t have a good set of friends even Goa is dull and boring.

Yes one plus point is that you get a work life balance. It’s not like Gurgaon/Delhi where people are working for 11–12hrs daily. Everyone there is running for I don’t know what. Here, people are more relaxed, nobody is in a hurry. You get time to think and retrospect. In fact you have so much of free time, you really don’t know how to utilise it. Life goes at it’s own pace here.

Thankfully because it’s Goa, I have someone or the other visiting often. I look forward for those visits, I look forward to see a known face in this unknown land…




Travel Enthusiast | Wanderlust Infected l Travel Blogger/Vlogger I I YouTube handle @travelwithnilz I Published Author